Thursday, July 24, 2008

Mmmm Bloggy McBlog Blog.

Today was a pretty great day.

A) I discovered my newfound love for the store Marshall's. Seriously.
On the 8th day, God created that shit.
B) I'm getting an application to be a Mascot Instructor for UCA next year. HOPEFULLY I'll make the staff, being that I have to send in a video and they have to be like "We want this adorkable tiger on our staff, asap." But hopefully I'll be in Disney, being a mega sexy Princess Aurora. :]
C) I had Copeland's for lunch. Go me.

Go to and type in "Mascot terrorizes Spring Breakers".
You'll laugh, I promise.

So I got into a contemporary choreography mood today and sort of made up this Mia Michaels-esque dance to "Gravity" by Sara Bareilles. IT'S AMAZING. But I'm sorry my lack of dancing abilities is inhibiting me from showing you this miraculous dance. Haha.

Ah well. Tomorrow's my last day at Mascot Camp.
Then off to MARSHALL'S. <33333
Then Idk.

Oh, by the way. Text me. Seriously. Haha. <3

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